Thursday, March 19, 2009

6 Minutes To Post

greetings, comrades. as my title would indicate, i only have six minutes to post... well, down to 3 now, so i am briefly putting up some highlights of callie's visit. i shall do a longer post as soon as i am able. im also working on getting a video up on here, but its proving to be a rather painful process. anyway, the above photo is of anne and i at the library.

this is callies FAHBULOUS new hair cut, which i did all my by self. i also straightened it. so now her hair no longer looks like pasta. but its still kind of making me hungry. she wants me to tell you that she disapproves of this picture. i also took the picture all by myself, and as we all know, i dont have much of a track record with photography. as i said at disney on ice, where is clinton when you need him? (calgary. obviously)
this is callies noodly hair. bravo.


MistryZ said...

Mmmmmmm noodle hair!!!!!!!!

MistryZ said...

Oh Yea here is my roommates pathetic blog that he just started!

Callie said...

you got amit saying he wants to eat my hair? i am going to be a bald corpse one day.

Callie said...

oh ps DO A NEW POST so that awful picture of me isn't the first thing people have to look at. you're hurting potential follower's eyes.