Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Affecting Change

you know, i have come to realise that sometimes we have more of a voice than we think we do, we just dont always see the results of the things that we have said or done. for example: yesterday, i reported a would-be throw down between two homeless guys to the security at the library, and today there is a new security desk in that particular lobby that wasnt there before. another example, i told my super that i heard our balconies arent up to code, and now all of a sudden we are having balcony inspections (me and my big mouth, i was forced to tidy the apartment).
my point is, so often we think that we have no power or we arent listened to or were just small fish in a big pond, but i think that we all affect change, every day. we just dont always get the opportunity to realise it, because so many of our interactions with the world at large are transient or fleeting.

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